The PAF, in partnership with ISA, who developed the PGS created the Flight Plan 2028.
The Flight Plan 2028 is in accordance with the Philippine Navy’s Sail Plan 2028, the Philippine Army’s Transformation Roadmap 2028, and the Armed Forces of the Philippines’ Transformation Roadmap 2028.
The Flight Plan 2028 Strategy Map is a one-page graphical representation of the Philippine Air Force’s long-term transformation plan to improve air defense capabilities of the organization.
The strategy map is grounded with PAF’s Mission “To organize, train, equip, maintain and provide forces to conduct prompt and sustained air operations to accomplish the AFP Mission” and Core Values: Integrity, Service above Self, Teamwork, Excellence, and Professionalism.
The Flight Plan 2028 has five perspectives, namely the Capability Enablers, Support System, Core Systems, Strategic Focus, and Impact. Each perspective has a corresponding strategic objective indicated.
The Capability Enablers is composed of the DOTMPLF – Doctrines, Organization, Training, Materiel, Personnel, Leadership, and Facilities – plus the Values, Budget and Finance, and Stakeholder Engagement. The Capability Enablers are engines that drive the Core Systems and Support Systems of the PAF. The objectives under each enabler are as follows:
Doctrines – Develop doctrines for Joint Warfighting Functions and other air power related doctrines across all Functional Commands
Organization – Ensure alignment of organizational structure with PAF air power strategy
Training – Enhance training program for mission-essential tasks to effectively enable Air Force Joint Warfighting Functions
Materiel – Acquire and upgrade materiel in all mission areas – particularly prioritizing capabilities for IADS in support to TD
Personnel – Procure, develop, and sustain best talents who have high absorptive capacity for Professional and Technical Mastery on Air Power
Leadership – Mobilize Air Force leadership in all levels of Command as effective stewards of Flight Plan strategy execution
Facilities – Upgrade base facilities & support systems with emphasis on operability and survivability following an approved MDP
Values – Strengthen values and ethos of PAF Personnel for effective performance of mission
Budget and Finance – Generate funds for the Flight Plan and promote timely budget implementation
Stakeholder Engagement – Build stakeholder confidence to gain support for the PAF
Meanwhile, the Support System is known as the FLGSST or the Force-Level Generation, Sustainment, Support, and Training System. Its objective is to enhance support capability to help create value and competitive advantage to Core Systems.
Furthermore, the PAF Core Systems, as stated in the Integrated Air Operations Concept (IAOC) which constitutes all air power capabilities across all mission areas, is composed of the Integrated Command, Control, Communications & Computer System (IC4S), Integrated Air Defense System (IADS), Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance System (ISRS), Search and Rescue System (SARS), Mobility Support System (MSS), and Surface Strike System (SSS). The objectives under each core system are as follows:
Integrated Command, Control, Communications & Computer System – Establish effective command & control
Integrated Air Defense System – Enable capability to detect, identify, intercept, and neutralize threats
Intelligence, Surveillance, & Reconnaissance System – Increase capability for situational awareness to achieve timely decisions
Search and Rescue System – Strengthen capability for search, rescue, and retrieval to
include combat SAR -
Mobility Support System – Provide improved capacity for air mobility to rapidly deploy forces and mate
Surface Strike System – Enhance air strike capability to support surface forces
The Strategic Focus states the direction PAF wants to pursue, which is to “Develop a Credible Air Defense Posture.” By 2022, the Waypoint Goal is to “Develop a credible air defense posture in the priority areas with exhibited competence in Integrated C4 System,” and by 2028, the Breakthrough Goal is to “Develop a credible air defense posture in the Philippine defense area of operations.”
Overall, PAF would like to obtain an Impact of having “Capable Joint and Combined Forces Enabled” and “Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity Protected.”
The objectives stated are guide to achieve the aspired PAF Vision of becoming “A more capable and credible air force responsive to national security and development.”
The success of accomplishing the strategy map determines being able to deliver its purpose to the institution, to the country, and to the Filipino people.